PI ETA SOCIETY. Full rehearsal at 6.45.
O. B. ROBERTS.BRASS BAND. Short rehearsal tonight, at 7.30, Roberts Hall. Please be prompt.
W. C. BURBANK.HARVARD POLO CLUB. A scheme is under consideration for bringing to Watertown a drove of ponies from the ranch of Mr. Benj. Brewster of Cheyenne. They will all be warranted sound and thoroughly broken to the saddle. They will cost about $120.00 per head. Gentlemen (whether members of the club or not) in want of a pony, are requested to sign the paper in the rooms, or to send their name to Mr. Marshall P. Williams (Country Club, Brookline), who will answer any inquiries regarding the consignment.
R. A. LAWRENCE, Steward.HARVARD SHOOTING CLUB. The last opportunity for entering the present series of matches will be afforded at the grounds tomorrow afternoon. The matches are as follows: Match A., doubles, open to all; match B., black-birds, open to all; match C., clay birds, open only to freshmen. Those desirous of joining can do so at the grounds, or at 18 Matthews, Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9 - 11.
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