

BICYCLE CLUB. The dinner of the Bicycle Club will not occur, as enough names have not been signed.

SENIORS. The order lists for photographs must be handed in faster if the orders are to be filled. Pach Bros. cannot begin to work on them until the have them all.

C. L. HARRISON.EVERETT ATHENAEUM. There will be a second rehearsal this p.m., at 4 o'clock. All are requested to attend.

F. H. WHIPPLE.FINANCE CLUB. The club meets this evening, at half past eight, in U. 13. Mr. A. B. Houghton, '86, will discuss Mulhall's "History of Prices."

G. DROPPERS, Sec'y.There will be a meeting of the Boylston Chemical Club, Tuesday evening, March 23, 1886, at 7.30 p.m., in Sever 1. Numerous papers will be read.


H. E. L. HORTON, Sec'y.CO-OPERATIVE SOCIETY BULLETIN. The society offers on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week a rare opportunity to its members to examine a large stock of fine American watches, in all grades of cases from 18 karat gold to nickel; gold and plated chains; and opera and field glasses. Everything will be offered at wholesale prices.
