The Winter Meetings have been a great success, - greater than at any time during our memory. There was a great deal of rivalry and spirit displayed at all three meetings; and it is safe to say that what-usually is deemed a bore by the blase upperclassman who "has seen it all before," was interesting and exciting even to his wearied palate. The last meeting especially, was contrary to expectation in many respects, the best of all three; the flying rings, horizontal bar and tumbling were all so excellent as to call forth the excited applause of the oldest spectator. The tug-of-war alone was less interesting than last year, owing to the absolute certainty which prevailed as to the winners of the first two meetings and the unfortunate accident which deprived '86 of her regular anchor at the third, there was not the least approach to enthusiasm over any of the contests.
We congratulate the able management for their great success in furnishing us three such enjoyable meetings, still more on the promptness and quiet with which they were dispatched. Our only regret is that they could not have made a more perfect understanding with Jupiter Pluvius in regard to the weather - two rainy Ladies' Days are beyond the memory of the oldest inhabitants.
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