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In its last number the Advocate has the satisfaction of saying "I told you so" about the sparring on Ladies' Day. And although the subject has been taken up before in our columns, yet now that the meetings are over, we should like to add a last word in support of the Advocate's position. We regret that few women have our keen appreciation of the fine points of the so-called manly art. Strange to say, those who have not been trained to recognize the purely artistic and gentlemanly side of such a contest, are, in their ignorance, very likely to deem it merely a brutal pounding match. And, however unfortunate this condition of things may be, yet it must be acknowledged that in the present unperfect state of our civilization, the higher education of women has not yet in this regard been carried as far as that of men. So though as believers in the broadest culture for both sexes, we should like to have our sisters learn to take hearty enjoyment in seeing such a performance; still in deference to the narrow prejudices caused by their unhappily defective training, we should as gentlemen spare them the sight of angry blows and bloodshed.
