

H. A. A. Ushers will confer a very great favor by being in their positions promptly at 12.45, or even earlier, if possible. Contestants must have their dress approved between 10 and 11. They are also warned that no one will be allowed to compete without a certificate from the Director of the gymnasium.

R. D. SMITH, JR.HISTORY 18. Subscribers can obtain the outline of to days lecture from the committee in the class-room.

COMMITTEE.HISTORY 13. Subscribers who have not already got their copies of the outline from the Co-operative are requested to do so at once. After Monday, March 22, the remaining copies will be sold to any one desiring them.

GEO. P. FURBER,For the Committee.BICYCLE CLUB. All who intend to attend the dinner of the Bicycle Club are requested to sign the book at Bartlett's as soon as possible. If enough names are not signed by 12 o'clock Monday, the dinner will not take place.
