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The third winter meeting, which takes place to-day, promises to be interesting, although it may not reach the excellence of some meetings of past years. The events will all be well contested, and some good work may be expected. The tug-of-war naturally will excite the widest interest, and from the work which both teams have done, a closely sharp contest will be the probable result. But we again return to the old cry of delay, both at the beginning and in calling events. The custom pursued in the Technology meetings of calling each event at a stipulated time despite possible absences, might not result in a satisfactory solution of the problem, but there is little doubt that sharper, more interesting work would be elicited by this plan. It is also to be hoped that tumultuous expressions of approval or disapproval will be restrained to the utmost limit. We feel enough respect for our own opinion to believe that if these suggestions are followed the last meeting will prove a happy culmination of the series.
