

EDITORS DAILY CRIMSON. - Twenty-five dollars, it seems, are still needed to meet the expenses of the reading-room. This is certainly a humiliating fact when we reflect that hardly ten per cent. of the students have as yet availed themselves of the advantages of a well equipped reading room at a very moderate membership fee, - only a dollar for the rest of the year. Many will give more than this sum in payment for half the subscription of a college paper, and expend many times this amount for other reading matter, while by joining the reading-room they might have not only the best illustrated and comic papers of England and America, but also the leading journals of these two countries, and the representative dailies of Boston, New York and Springfield, not to mention sporting papers and papers from other colleges. It was hoped that the students would show such an interest in supporting this reading-room, that the college authorities in course of time would be induced to provide one for us, as, is done at other colleges; but if only ten per cent of the students care about one, that happy day will probably be far distant. Will not thirty or more men show their interest by joining the reading-room at once, and paying their subscriptions at the Co-operative store?

