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We have been informed that Yale will probably re-enter the Inter-collegiate Lacrosse Association. The Yale News urges her to do so, and we have been informed that Yale has just formed a team, - at least she has ordered from the ubiquitous Brine a set of sticks and uniforms. We sincerely hope that this rumor is true. The loss of Yale from the association last year was very severely felt, and we should welcome her back this year with open arms. The series with Yale in it will be twice as interesting as it was last year, and will give a needed boom to lacrosse, which will be very welcome to its supporters. Yale defeated Harvard two years ago; she has a large number of her best players still in college, and she ought to send a team here this year that would make a contest with our champion team decidedly lively. Every encouragement will be given towards Yale's return to the association, both by the H. L. A. and the college at large.
