NOTICE. Prayer Petition Committee meets to-day in 33 Mathews at 1.30 p.m. Important.
PI ETA SOCIETY: Rehearsal at 7.30 p.m., in the society rooms. A full attendance is desired.
O. B. ROBERTS.BICYCLE CLUB. The dinner of the Bicycle Club will occur at Young's, Tuesday, Mar. 23 at 7 p.m. Those who wish to attend the dinner are requested to sign the book at Bartletts as soon as possible. It is hoped that a large number of associate members will attend. The price per plate is $2.00.
Per order of Committee.HARVARD SHOOTING CLUB. A new series of matches will be opened at the meeting to-morrow, Wednesday afternoon. They will run three weeks and will be decided by the aggregate of the best two scores out of three, and will be as follows:
Match A, five pairs clay birds, 18 yards rise, open to all.
Match B, 10 black-birds, 5 angles, 18 yards rise, open to all.
Match C, 10 clay birds, 5 angles, 18 yards rise, open only to freshmen.
Those desirous of joining can do so at the grounds.
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