The next theme in English 5 is due to-morrow.
The thesis on the labor question in Philosophy 11 is due to-day.
The dinner of the Bicycle Club will occur at young's next week Tuesday.
The hour examination in Physics C on Friday will be held in Massachusetts 3.
President Eliot's recent visit to Princeton was his first in over thirty years.
Henshaw, '89 is a candidate for the position of third-base on the 'varsity ball nine.
Mr. Fraser, '86 has a poem in the current number of the Delta Upsilon Quarterly.
It has been rumored that Political Economy I will soon take up Laughlin's Be-metallism.
The Yale '89 Chess Club is engaged in a tournament with the freshman Chess Club of Columbia.
N. B. Page, the famous high jumper, attributes all his success in that sport to his persistent bicycle riding.
Beecher, Yale '88, fainted from exhaustion in the feather weight sparring contest of the Yale winter meetings.
A series of two days' cricket matches will be played between New York, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, and New Jersey clubs this season.
The question of forming a Conference Francais is at present under discussion. It will follow the plan of the present seminars in the mathematics and physics.
A band of sophomores in Cornell university the other night succeeded in capturing a banquet which the freshmen had procured for themselves. The latter vow terrible vengeance.
The twentieth annual report of the Sheffield Scientific School has just been published. There are seventeen professors and twelve instructors, the majority of whom are Sheff. graduates.
Owing to an unfortunate mistake in the printers or lithographers, the lines were restored to the Lampoon in the old style. The editors are sorry for the mistake, and say it shall not happen again.
A petition is being circulated among the students in Mathematics 2 to substitute a considerable number of problems, to be worked out at home, to the three hour examination at the Finals.
The photographs of the past graduating class and of the various foot ball teams and college crews of the University of Pennsylvania have been hung around the walls of the University gymnasium.
Much interest was shown in the meeting conducted by Mr. Studd last evening in Holden. Over one hundred students were present. A second Bible reading will be given in the rooms of the Christian Brethren today from 1.30 to 2 p.m. There will also be a meeting in Holden this evening from 6.30 to 7.15.
Mr. James Russell Lowell's admirable extemporaneous address at the opening of Bryn Mawr College for women will never be circulated. The trustees relied upon the reporters of the daily press, but there was no stenographer present, and only a digest of his views has been preserved. In fact, very few public addresses are now reported in full in the daily press. - Harper's Weekly.
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