
Fact and Rumor.

The last Life contains another horse chestnut by Gray Parker.

L. L. Hight, '86 has a poem in the last Life.

Philosophy 11 will take up the Labor question next week.

Junior theme IV was returned yesterday.

A college of pharmacy has been established at Buffalo, N. Y.


The Conference Committee will meet this afternoon, at 4 o'clock, in Sever 27.

The current number of Outing has a very interesting article on the history of Lacrosse in America.

The study of modern philosophy will be begun in Philosophy I at the next lecture.

The seniors at Tufts will hold a meeting this week to decide whether they will have class-day exercises.

The last Cambridge Tribune had a long review of Prof. Laughlin's Bimetalism.

Professor Macvane will send out the subjects of theses in History 12 in a few days.

Gilman and Dewey are regularly giving Borland practice as anchor of the '86 tug-of-war team.

Bowen will be unable to anchor the '87 tug-of-war team, and Litchfield will take that position.

Ex-President Wm. S. Clark, of the Massachusetts Agricultural College, died at Amherst yesterday morning.

Rev. Lucius R. Paige, D. D., of Cambridge, the historian, celebrated his eighty-fourth birthday Monday.

A false alarm of fire from box 53, at 9.50 last evening, brought out the usual large delegation of students.

Mr. W. A. Morrison, M. S., will not enter the heavy weight sparring this year, as his work at the Medical School has prevented him from training.

At the smoker of the Bicycle Club last Tuesday evening, the following associate members were elected: G. A. Morrison, '87, C. C. Carmalt, '87, F. H. Sellers, L. S. S.

The Yale News of Friday issued a supplement containing a catalogue of the Yale Alumni Association in the United States. The new board assumed control of the paper Monday.

The following is a cowboy's version of Mark Antony's speech: "Members of the family, relatives and friends, I didn't come here to talk, I'm on business. I'm an undertaker."

Dr. Hart requested yesterday in History 13 all juniors and seniors who wished to take History 20 next year to hand in their names to him. The history of the United States since 1861 will be studied in that course.

The following is the synopsis of Dr. Farnham's lecture to night: Scarf skin and true skin. Coloring matter. Albino. Nails and hair. Excessive growth of hair. Glands of skin. Perspiration.

A number of the college and law-school men of Columbia College, have obtained the Fourteenth Regiment Armory, for the purpose of securing practice in tennis before the opening of the out-of-door clubs.

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