
Programme of Winter Meetings.

The programme of the Winter Meetings of the H. A. A. to be held on the 6th, 13th, and 20th of next month is as follows:

First meeting. - Heavy-weight, middle-weight, light-weight and feather-weight wrestling, heavy and middle-weight sparring, putting the shot, tug-of war, '88, '89.

Second meeting. - Two-hand vault, club swinging (legitimate), parallel bars, fencing, light weight and feather-weight sparring, tug-of-war, '86, '87.

Third meeting. - Running high jump, rope climbing, flying rings, pole vault, running high kick, tumbling, horizontal bar, final tug-of-war. A cup will be given for general excellence in the following events: Parallel bars, flying rings, horizontal bar, two hand vault, tumbling, running high jump.

As usual a prize will be given to the class winning the most events.

