

No Headline

The Cambridge Tribune indulges in a complaint against Harvard athletes for using North Avenue as a running track. "Squads of them," says the Tribune, "frequently monopolize the sidewalk, crowding to one side persons who happens to be in the way as they rush past. Sometimes they select the street, and frighten horses as they run by them, clad in airy gymnasium costume. This use of a principal street as a training ground is getting to be an intolerable nuisance, and should be stopped." Of course, we regret very much that Harvard men should be the cause of an "intolerable nuisance." although we have not been aware that our athletes were crowding persons from the walks and frightening horses in the serious degree that the Cambridge Tribune seems to indicate, yet we are sorry that Harvard men are troublesome at all to the public on the avenue, and we trust that hereafter more care and discretion will be shown.

But the Tribune casually brings up another matter that is of far more concern to us, and, as we believe, to the public at large. When Cambridge horses go about "clad in airy gymnasium costume," and that, too, on North Avenue, certainly something ought to be done!
