The Amherst juniors are at work at a whist tournament.
Reserved books taken from the library must be returned before 9.15 a.m.
Chamberlain, '86 is making some great records in putting the shot.
The Lehigh Burr complains that the college cheer there has been much neglected of late.
The Amherst faculty has decided to adopt the English method of pronunciation of Latin.
Stevenson is trying for the position of anchor on the '89 tug-of-war team. His weight is about 170 pounds.
At the first recitation after the mid-years in Latin 14, Carmen 64 will be read.
At the first recitation after the mid-years in Latin 5 the prepared work will be the first four pages of Book II of the De Deorum Natura.
It is stated that a Harvard student has his furniture insured to the amount of $20,000. This would look as if Harvard insurance sometimes ran as high as Harvard assurance does: - Yale Courant.
The largest bob sleigh in existence is the "Brooklyn Bridge" of Albany. The plank is 45 feet long, and 3 inches thick.
The Graphic declares that Theodore Roosevelt has not the share in Outing with which he has been credited.
The Columbia Gymnasium committee has sent a printed appeal to every living alumni for funds to build the gymnasium.
Sixteen men at Exeter intend to enter Yale next year. Among them are some of Exeter's best athletes. - Yale News.
The tenth number of the Advocate will contain 54 columns of reading matter. It will appear at 11 o'clock on Saturday morning, instead of on Friday afternoon the regular time of issue.
At half past one last night a Cambridge citizen slipped in front of the CRIMSON Office. A revolver in his pocket discharged, and dangerously wounded him.
Examinations seem to have but little effect in keeping men from the gymnasium. Indeed, there seem to be many students who exercise only during the period of examinations.
The unusually large number of men who are practising on the horizontal bar gives promise of an interesting contest in that event at the coming winter meetings.
It is rumored that the Cambridge Police Commissioners attended by a member of the faculty will make an inspection of all the college rooms at the beginning of next week, in quest of signs. Every man having signs in his room will be required to account for them.
The New York College Association held its annual meeting Jan. 29 in Syracuse, N. Y., delegates being present from Cornell, Hamilton, Hobart, Rochester, Syracuse and Union Colleges. The championship pennant was awarded to Cornell, the nine from that college not having lost a game. Rochester was expelled from the association on the ground that its team disbanded to escape paying guarantees to visiting teams. The executive committee was given power to admit the Troy Polytechnic team to the association and fill the vacancy caused by the expulsion of Rocherter.
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Judge Hoar's Funeral.