
Fact and Rumor.

'89 is said to contain some very promising boxers.

The 'varsity is now rowing on sliding seats.

Guild, '86, will not wrestle this year.

The Lasell Leaves calls for a design for a Lasell pin.

Yale, '88, Sheffield, have a class cane with "Yale, '88, S. S. S." on the silver head.


Prof. Thompson, of the University of Pennsylvania, is lecturing on Political Economy at Yale.

The Yale Pot Pourri will appear in a few days; its editors are G. E. Eliot and H. T. Nason, '86.

Mr. White will be in Harvard 4 at 3 p.m. to answer questions on Mathematics 1.

'89 has a candidate for the heavy weight wrestling who is said to be a very promising athlete.

Mr. Lathrop is giving instruction to the wrestlers daily. A good many men expect to enter the Tech. meeting on the 13th.

Outing has been removed to New York and is now under the charge of Bigelow, Yale, '79. Corwin, '87 is Yale's correspondent.

A short article appears in the February number of the magazine of American History, on "College Bred Presidents," by Pavey, Yale, '88.

Fact. 1st gent behind the bars, watching 'varsity exercise: "What's that, the nine?" 2nd gent. "Naw, they couldn't make no nine out of that, guess its the '88 crew."

Bonine, the 100-yards runner of the U. of M., is doing good work at throwing the hammer. Ann Arbor expects him to make the best throw at Mott Haven. - News.

Students are warned to beware of a swarthy vendor of smuggled cigars. He has been reaping a rich harvest by selling at $5.00 a hundred, "real 25 cent cigars," which would be dear at three cents a piece. Look out for him!

The plans for the new Dartmouth gymnasium have been drawn up. The dimensions are to be one hundred by fifty feet, with a wing for special apparatus. There will be a second story containing a theatre seating five hundred. - Yale News.

The following are the officers for this year of the Crescent Athletic Club of Brooklyn, which is composed entirely of college graduates: president, Walter Camp; treasurer, H. J. Lamarche; secretary, F. Vernon; all of whom are Yale men.

The next number of the Advocate will be of extra size, containing 46 columns of reading matter, and will be made up wholly of contributions from past editors of the paper. All but three of the classes since '67 will be represented. The number will be for sale at 5 o'clock Friday.

Axel Paulsen of Christiana, Norway, champion speed skater, issued a challenge, under the date of November 27, for any skater in the world to meet him the middle of February, and skate over a course of from 3 to 50 English miles, for L 100 a side and the championship of the world. If no response is received he will then assume the title of World Champion.
