

EDITORS DAILY CRIMSON. - I should like to call attention to an apparent defect in the system of ranking by classes which is now being tried by many of our instructors. The classes cannot, of course, merge gradually into one another, but must be separated by certain fixed limits. These limits must be definite per cents.

It would seem as though difficulty must arise in ranking justly those whose marks are near the line which separates two classes. One instructor might rank them in one class, another in another.

Let us take a case in print. Suppose that "good" means a mark between seventy and eighty-five per cent. and "excellent" one between eighty-five and a hundred per cent. Suppose now that there is a book which one instructor would rank eighty-six and another eighty four, under the old per cent. system. Under the new class system the one would rank it "excellent," the other only "good." Under the old system the range between the possible marks, arising from the mood of the marker or from a difference in markers would be but trifling, but under the new the book might be ranked either in the same class with those nearly perfect, or with those only mediocre.

In such a case as this, and there must be many of them in every examination, is not the unfairness of the per cent. system intensified instead of being lessened?


