
No Headline

EDITORS DAILY CRIMSON. - The importance of a course in contemporaneous history, such as you suggested in Monday's CRIMSON cannot be too strongly urged. Such a course would not only help us to realise "the relation of what happens to-day with what has happened in the past, and to appreciate the relative importance of two newspaper articles with headings of equal prominence, but would help us to understand the bearing of to-days doings on the future. Everybody ought to know how to "keep up with the times," to know what events, political or otherwise, are the ones to give thought to - what events are to be taken as evidences of the world's progress, and what are to be passed over as mere curiosities.

I believe that, if there is any truth in the charge that a college education does not fit a man for active business life, it is because college men, as students of the past, are too apt to think that the past is everything, and the present nothing, and so find when they have graduated that there are a good many things of practical, every day importance which they have yet to learn. To those of us who intend to make journalism our life work, a course in contemporaneous history would be of inestimable benefit, and as we are neither few nor far between, our claims are worth considering. Let us hope something will be done in the near future to supply our wants.

E. P., '88.
