
Fact and Rumor.

The Yale sophomore crew was on the water last week.

The Marks in Greek 5 are expected Monday.

German III will begin Schiller's Wilhelm Tell on Friday.

A series of interesting lectures is projected by the Scientific School.

President Eliot addressed the Harvard Club of Philadelphia Tuesday evening.


Prof. Hill has asked for written suggestions in regard to conducting English 8.

There will be an important meeting of the Hasty Pudding Club at 7.30 p.m. to-night. A full attendance is desired.

Secretary Lamar is the speaker at last selected by the Dartmouth union to address the class on Commencement Day.

The Rev. Edward Everett Hale is writing a paper on "Compulsory Chapel Service," for the columns of the Pennsylvanian.

The Yale News editorially advocates the system of inter-class contests, and points to Harvard as an example of the benefit of such a system.

The Princetonian says that Harvard and Yale offer prizes for excellence in examinations for admission to the freshman class.

The second section of English 9 will recite on Friday at three o'clock for the next four weeks, instead of Thursday at three as heretofore.

Sophomore theme VIII is due to-day. Themes VI and VII with the exception of the even numbers from 14 to 154 inclusive will be returned.

The Nassau Lit. has added a new department to its columns called "Books." This contains a careful review of many new books of general interest.

Kohler of Pennsylvania, Hamilton of Yale, Rinton of Columbia and Dean of Harvard will contest the two-mile bicycle race at the Mott Haven games.

Mr. Jones begins a series of four readings at Middletown, Connecticut this evening. The story of Little Emily in David Copperfield will be the subject to-night.

In the last number of the Popular Science Monthly, Prof. A. G. Farlow gives a detailed account of the methods of instruction pursued during the last half year in N. H. V.

At a health resort in England they steep sea weed for an hour in boiling water, and then cooling the water slightly, admit the bather, who remains in twenty minutes, and comes out, it is alleged, greatly strengthened and refreshed. This might be an advantageous improvement over the present method of rubbing down weary athletes with whiskey.
