Lost. - A blue diagonal overcoat, lined with black silk, and made by Mitchell, The finder will receive a reward of ten dollars on leaving it at Leavitt & Peirce's Billiard Room.
Wanted. - Men to sell our goods in Middlesex and adjoining counties. Will pay good salary and all expenses. Write for terms and state salary wanted. Sloan & Co., manufacturers, 294 George St., Cincinnati, O.
J. W. Brine, importer of English flannels, English cricket bats, ball leggings, etc. We have the largest line of English flannels ever shown. Lawn tennis suits and pants to order. Rowing jersey's and tights made to order by ourselves in three days notice. Our tennis jersey is claimed to be the best one in the market. 100 different spring styles of English mackintoshes with or without. J. W. Brine, 10 and 11 Harvard Row.
Before you go to the ginnastica, call at J. F. Noera's and examine his 28 different colors of Jerseys, Tights, Skull Caps, Sweaters, etc. He can show you more variety, better quality, and later novelties in gymnasium goods than any other store. His advice is, save your money and avoid fancy prices when you can get the same article for 30 per cent. less at 436 Harvard street.
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