
Harvard Union.


Evidently the silver element is not very strong among the students at Harvard, at least it had not the courage to advocate its views. There was a very large attendance at the debate last night. After President Hobson had called the meeting to order the question, "Resolved, That the coinage of the Bland silver dollar should be discontinued," was given over to the principal disputants for discussion.

A vote on the merits of the question resulted in, affirmative, 70 votes; negative, 13. E. B. Harvey, '88, opened for the affirmative, and J. J. Shaughnessy, L. S., for the negative, followed by M. C. Hobbs, L. S., affirmative, E. B. Chenoweth, '88, negative. The victory in skill of argument was gained by the affirmative by a vote of 67 to 24.

When the question was thrown open to the house a spirited, but very one sided debate ensued. The only gentlemen who favored a continuation of the coinage of the Bland dollar, speaking on the negative, were Messrs. Magee. '89 and Shoemaker, '89. The speakers on the other side were Messrs. Bronson, Sp., Hesseltine, '88, F. S. Palmer, '87, Merriam, '86, A. T. Perkins, '87, F. B's Williams, '88, Duane, '88, Smith, '86, Lee, L. S., W. L. Currier, '87, W. Williams, L. S., Gay, '88, Mahany, '88, Drew, '89 and Platt, '88. The vote on the merits of the debate as a whole stood, affirmative, 28, negative, 1.

Of the three questions submitted by the Executive Committee, the following was chosen for the next debate: "Resolved, That the Knights of Labor deserve the support of the working classes."

After some discussion upon certain rules of procedure, the meeting adjourned at ten o'clock.

