
Fact and Rumor.

There have been sixty editors of the Lampoon since its foundation.

W. J. Bowen, '87, is training for anchor of the '87 tug-of-war team.

Amherst will send a team to Mott Haven this spring.

Theme VII in English XII is due to day.

The Advocate's catalogue will be issued shortly. A copy will be sent to every past editor.


President Porter of Yale, lectured to the freshmen Saturday on "Miscellaneous Reading."

The 20th annual dinner of the Harvard Club, of New York, comes off next Saturday.

The Yale winter meetings come off March 3rd and 6th. The latter date will be the ladies' day.

There were several declamations at the meeting of the Shakspere Club last evening.

The syllabus in Hist. 18 for second half-year are $1.50, and may be subscribed for at 44 Weld, between 2 and 3 o'clock p.m.

The annual convention of the Inter-collegiate Athletic Association will be held at the Fifth Avenue Hotel, New York city, on Saturday, Feb. 27th.

French 3 is now reading Regnard's Legataire Universel; the next theme is due on March 1, and will have for a subject any play of Labiche's.

Yale is training a freshman, Dann, for pitcher, as it is not likely that Odell will be able to pitch, and Willett is considered too wild. - Princetonian.

Ex-President Arthur is suggested by the Hour for president of Yale College. If that should come about the boys would want to get up at 3 a.m. to pray. - B. Post.

The principal disputants in the Union debate to-night are: affirmative, M. C. Hobbs, L. S., E. B. Harvey, '88; negative, J. J. Shaughnessy, L. S., E. B. Chenoweth, '88.

The members of English 5 will meet Mr. Wendell by sections as follows: Addison to Fraser on Friday, Feb. 19; Frost to Richards on Monday, Feb. 22; and others on Wednesday, Feb. 24.

An effort is being made to have the Inter-collegiate Lacrosse Convention held in New York next Saturday, in order that Harvard's delegates can see the sports at Madison Square Garden in which Messrs. Baker, Bemis, Lord and Wells are going to compete.

At a meeting of the Pierian Sodality last evening, the following men were elected regular members of the Society: B. Whitney, '87; C. H. Johnquest, V. S.; Geo. A. Carpenter, '88; Wm. Nelson, '88; W. L. Farnum, '88; W. M. Richardson, '89; M. D. Kimball, '89; W. T. Hodges, '89. J. M. Hallowell, '88, and E. B. Gordon, '88, were the only new candidates admitted on probation. The society now numbers nearly 50 men.
