Dr. Royce in his discussion of forensic work yesterday offered some very valuable suggestions in the forensic work of the year. Some comment was make upon the proper selection of subjects and the mode of treatment of the subject when once selected. Writers are especially advised to consult more than one standard authority and to revise their work with great care. The modern French method of magazine writing may be followed to advantage. This system provides for an introduction and the division of the essay proper under various legitimate, well ordered heads. The exposition should be as concise as possible and ought to exhibit independent thorough study. The speaker properly complained of a desire upon the part of many writers to assimilate rather than to invent and on the part of more, rather to arrange the work of others than to assimilate it. As the next forensic is to be of some length, all are advised to select a subject which will not "give out" before the forensic does. Especial care should be taken in the formation of sentences. The advice is admirable, we trust that the work will show that it has been heeded.
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