

EDITORS DAILY CRIMSON. - In your issue of the 12th inst, you published an editorial criticising the reported action of the Yale faculty in regard to Prof. E. R. Thompson's course of lectures at Yale on Protection. The error into which so reputable a paper as the CRIMSON has fallen, and the gross injustice which it does Yale, whether intentionally or not, has led your correspondent to gain the official facts in the matter and beg leave to ask for their publication.

Certain gentlemen offered to endow at Yale a chair of lectures on Protection. The Philosophical faculty, before whom the matter properly came, referred the matter in proper order to the Presidential Committee of the corporation, which body accepted the endowment and authorized the Philosophical Faculty to establish the course of lectures, which they have done, much to the satisfaction of the whole university, which is never more anxious to hear both sides than are the faculty to give the opportunity.

Does this show a "petty spirit" on the part of the faculty, or is there anything in it which is not well "calculated to" properly "influence the students in a search after truth and knowledge."

* * * * *New Haven, Feb. 13th, 1886.
