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The first lecture of the course on the professions will be given to-night, in Sever 11, by Hon. O. W. Holmes. The subject, "The Law as a Profession," is, without doubt, more generally interesting than any of the subjects which are to follow. Particularly is this true among Harvard men, - who seem to think of the law first, and medicine, ministry, and so on, second in their attempts to choose their future occupations. Harvard actually sends more men into schools of law than into schools of any other profession, and it is very probably true that a good majority of the men in other professions have avoided being lawyers only by some change in circumstances. The profession of law is said to be over-crowded, and the famous dictum "There's room higher up," cannot justify more than a hundred men in a year striving for distinction as lawyers. We do not anticipate that Judge Holmes will urge every man in college to study law. We rather believe that he will give some timely cautions.
