"The third volume of the College Series of Greek Authors is Plato's 'Apology of Socrates' and 'Crito,' edited on the basis of Cron's edition by Louis Dyer, assistant professor in Harvard University. We have rarely come across an edition of a Greek classic more satisfactory than this. Any one who reads the introduction, containing a summary of the history of Greek Philosophy anterior to the time of Plato, and who dips here and there into the commentary, will not wonder that German scholars have indicted their appreciation of Cron's work by calling for eight editions. Professor Dyer has, however, not confined himself to a mere translation of Cron's work, but has made such alterations and additions as seemed advisable to adapt it to the wants of an "English-thinking and English-speaking public." We are quite confident that no edition of the 'Apology' and 'Crito' can be found equal to this for use as a college text-book. Another advantage of this edition is that the commentary is printed on the same page with the text. This practice is almost universal in Germany, is very generally adopted by English editors, and conduces greatly to the convenience of the reader." - N. Y. Nation.
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