It was with no ordinary emotions that we read the last Lampoon. Aside from the standing invective against the CRIMSON, there is little that is worthy of commendation. The front page dragon has no reflex fork of remorse on his tail and is far from fierce enough, if we may judge from our own experience of his annual appearance. But what delicacy of outline, what beauty of finish some of the cartoons exhibit. Surely the blessings of the Lampoon's senior board are brightening as they take their flight. But in justice to your great compeer, the Police Gazette, we implore you to desist, Lampy, for if you continue thus, your friend will certainly be extinguished. And Lampy, you are so very funny, though pitifully so, that we might almost think that the prayer petition is about to be granted, - and this raises hopes which no man can innocently enjoy. But this weather is so "sloppy" that perhaps even Lampy can be forgiven if he will cease to attempt henceforth to illumine his columns with that talismanic word, the CRIMSON. Of course the Lampoon cannot appreciate the blessings of Harvard morality and religion. But a too candid acknowledgement of a want of moral stamina and cerebral perception is often laboriously tiresome. We trust that our religious editorials will now do a great work. We have every reason to hope this, for at least even Lampy has been led to moralize, weakly, it is true, and as "an infant crying for the light and with no language but a cry." We will add to our "electric" column when we find space, "The Lampoon received; positively the number most worthy of 'club swinging' this year. 'Lampoon' please copy."
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