At a meeting of the Board of Trustees of Columbia College on Monday afternoon, it was decided that April 13th, 1887, should be set apart as a day for observing the centennial of the college by proper ceremonies. A committee of five, consisting of President Barnard, Hon. Hamilton Fish, Rev. Dr Morgan Dix. Joseph W. Harper, Jr., and Seth Low, was appointed to make all arrangements necessary for the commemoration, to determine on the order of religious and literary exercises, to issue invitations to sister institutions to send delegates for the occasion, and to invite the friends of the college to be present. Orations, processions, dinners, class meetings, the gathering of illustrious men from every section of the country, are all to be combined to make this celebration a worthy one.
The committee will formulate their plans and report them at the next meeting of the Board of Trustees; there is little doubt but that these plans will provide for a celebration on a grand scale, and will commend themselves to all graduates and friends of the college.
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