
Yale's Athletic Expenses.


The average yearly cost of general athletics at Yale is nearly $20.000. The expense for the season of 1885.6 was about $22,000, but this included some $4,000 for improvements for the benefit of the university and the class crews, and is probably a maximum figure. The income from gate receipts, glee club concerts and privileges for 1885-86 was only about $11,000, and to meet the deficiency over $10,000 was collected by subscription. The amount drawn from the students by subscription represents the yearly losses on aquatics, track sports, base-ball and foot ball. Boating is Yale's most expensive sport, being supported almost wholly by subscription. Two-thirds of the expense of track sports is met by subscriptions, as is half of the expense of maintaining the Yale field. The university baseball and foot-ball teams are nearly self-supporting, but they occasionally call for one or two hundred by subscription. Lawn tennis is self-supporting, and generally turns a small balance over to the field corporation. The expense of the spring and fall class races is met wholly by subscription, as is also the expense of sending the freshman crew to New London. The receipts of the freshman nine and eleven cover about two-fifths of the expenditures, and the balance is chipped in by the class. The following figures, taken from official reports, except the university base-ball which is carefully estimated, show concisely what it costs Yale to compete with other colleges.

Income. Expense.

Lawn tennis, $594.10 $493.27

University crew. -- 4,925.80

Freshman crews, -- 1,000.00


Class crews, -- 800.00

Freshman nine, 218.25 559.50

Track sports, 400.00 1,060.27

University eleven, 2,674.49 2,693.49

No freshman eleven that year, -- --

Yale field, 4,524.89 3,314.87

University nine (estimated), 3,100.00 3,500.00

Expense boat club, other than university and other crews -- 3,623.05

-- -- ----

Totals. $8,511.73 $21,960.25

The subscriptions collected aggregate $10,601 12, as follows:

Aquatics, $7,331.11

Freshman nine, 341.25

Track sports, 660.27

Yale field, 1,749.00

University eleven, 19.49

University nine, 400.00

The amount not covered by gate receipts and subscriptions, $2857.40, is met by glee club and miscellaneous receipts. These figures show that the subscription fiend, with his little book, is quite a striking personage at Yale - in fact many of the students think he strikes too often. When any of the teams are winners, an extra call for funds is made so as to present them with trophies. The amount spent for athletics by Yale men, individually, cannot, of course, be computed, but it is safe to figure that it would carry the yearly aggregate somewhat beyond the $25,000 mark. - Boston Herald.
