
Fact and Rumor.

The Index will be out to-morrow.

There will be an hour examination in German 1 to-day, at 11 and 12 a.m.

The editors of the CRIMSON were entertained by the editors of the Advocate last evening,

The following men have been elected to the Everett Athenaeum: Albee, Beale, Dunham, George, Harding, Lefavour, White.

A. T. Dudley, '87, has been elected a member of the Signet. Mr. J. J. Hayes and Dr. Kuno Francke have been elected honorary members.


The current number of Puck contains a double page cartoon representing the attitudes of Andover and Harvard.

The students of Bryn Mawr (female) College have decided, on recommenda-of the Faculty to wear the Oxford cap and gown.

"The Yale freshmen are contesting their game with Harvard on the ground that two men who were not freshmen played on the Harvard team. The matter has been left to an Arbitration Committee." - Princetonian. Who are the committee?

The senior class day elections at Princeton resulted as follows: Master of ceremonies, H. S. Savage, captain of this year's foot-ball team; class president, R. B. C. Johnson; class secretary, I. Paige; class orator, R. W. Mason; class poet, L. Waggener, Jr.; ivy orator, E. M. Fitzgerald; presentation orator, C. P. I. Joyce; prophet, S. S. Izard; censor, F. Enos; historian, R. Gilchrist, Jr.

Roland W. Boyden, L. S., pulled on the tug-of-war last Saturday, instead of Chase, as reported, and he proved a very strong addition to the team. Experts who saw the games say that the Columbia anchor was subjected to the most terrific strain that has ever been their lot to witness. In addition to the medals, our team was presented with a handsome, silver fringed, silk banner, which will soon be placed in the trophy room. The team was treated with the greatest courtesy while in New York, and wish to acknowledge especially the courtesy of Mr. Schuyler, the president of the 7th Regiment A. A.
