
Science vs. Religion.

The old-time attack has been renewed again upon scientific study. This time it is in the shape of an editorial in the Congregationalist against the evil influence of the institute of Technology. The Congregationalist says: -

"We now and then hear earnest complaint on the part of orthodox parents and friends of young men who are studying in the Institute of Technology in this city, that some of the instructors go out of their way to say things intended - and having the effect - to weaken the hold of Christianity upon their minds. What right have these teachers, if unbelievers themselves, to use the opportunity of their station and their influence over the young minds under their care to undermine Christian faith? It is the most objectionable form of sectarianism."

Pres. Walker's answer is given in Saturdays Advertiser and is quite sufficient. He thinks that very likely the story originated in the time worn complaint that the theory of evolution contradicts the first book of the old Testament, and that this after passing through a number of hands reached the person who caused its publication.
