
Fact and Rumor.

The Semi-Annuals at Yale begin a week from next Monday.

There will be a meeting of the Anniversary Committee at 9 Weld this evening at 7.30.

The Pierian Sodality will give a concert to the Boston Art Club on Saturday.

A set of four Germans will be given in Roberts Hall this winter. Invitations are now out.

The Cornell freshman have adopted as a class hat, a black tam-o'shanter with a green top-knot.


The new flag-staff at the edge of the common, is 25 feet taller than the old rotten one which was taken down.

On Jan. 1 the fare on the New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad will be reduced to 2 cents a mile.

Railroad tickets at reduced rates for all points South and West will be on sale at Leavitt & Peirce's on and after December 12.

The following gentlemen will act as a committee for the printed matter in History 13: Messr. Rich, Garrison and Sears.

Mr. C. H. Moore gave an interesting address to the members of the Art Club last evening which was much enjoyed by all present.

The Harvard College Library spent $39,726.76 in 1884-1885 as against $130,-101.41 spent by, the Boston Public Library in the same year.

The sixth ten of the Institute of 1770 are: J. H. Sears, Kimball, Goodwin, W. D. Clark, Downer, Shattuck, Lee, Pfeiffer, Perry, Talbot. Prof. Bartlett and Holden, '88 were elected honorary members.

In the December number of the American Agriculturist there is an interesting paper by Donald G. Mitchell, on George Washington as a farmer.
