
Special Notices.

Lost. Saturday, in or near Harvard Square, an Astronomy note-book. Will the finder please leave at 9 Garden St.

Two tables of 8 or 10 students can be accommodated with first class board at Mrs. Emery's, 12 Oxford St.

Found. At the dance in Memorial Friday night a watch Further information can be obtained of the auditor at Memorial.

A discount of 11 per cent. allowed to all members of the Co-operative Society at Ray's, Men's furnishing goods store, corner West and Washington streets, Boston. Full dress shirts in stock and to measure, dress bows, gloves, studs and buttons.

Pol. Econ. 4. Review of the work for the examination at 37 Brattle St., Saturday, Dec. 18, at 2.30 p.m. M. W. Richardson '86.


Club Tables at 16 Oxford St., also one Furnished room to let. Mrs. M. J. Pike.

F. A. Bedell, No. 4 Brattle Street, Highest Cash Prices paid for cast off clothing. Clothing cleansed, pressed, repaired and dyed in the best possible manner. Orders by mail promptly attended to.

Table board and furnished rooms. Students may obtain board at club tables or at a general table. Also one suite of furnished rooms. Sunny location. Terms moderate. Mrs. M. J. Pike, 16 Oxford St.

Partner Wanted. With $15000 capital in newspaper enterprise, with no competition in its line. Brilliant record and prospects. References given and required. No. 17 Congress S Boston. Room 4.

Board. A club of eight or ten students can be accommodated with first-class board at Trowbridge St.

N. H. 4 Lecture. A review of the work for the examination will be given at 29 College House, Thursday, Dec. 16, at 8 p.m. M. W. Richardson, '86.
