The Christmas vacation begins to-day. Most of us will be glad to leave Cambridge, not only because we shall be free from study for a short time, but also because we shall perhaps go to the lands where the thermometer does not jump frantically from forty degrees below zero in six hours; where one can wake up in the morning without the dread of finding the ground covered with ten inches of snow which better experience has taught, will be as many inches of slush at night; where one can walk confidently from place to place on civilized walks, and not have to step gingerly along, expecting each moment to sink ankle deep in mud.
We extend our heart felt sympathy to those unfortunates whom the hard decrees of a cruel fate and a more cruel faculty, doom to stay in Cambridge during the recess. As for those who reject the blessed privilege of leaving the college for a few days, - who stay in Cambridge to grind, - we can only pity for their foolishness, and pass them by. To those whom no powers without nor inanity within can keep in Cambridge, we wish the best of good times.
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