
No Headline

N. H. 4. I will give a thorough review of the lecture work in N. H. 4. Thursday evening at 7.30. W, J. Bowen, 32 Hollis. Price $1.00.

Parties wanted. With $15000 capital in newspaper enterprise, with no competition in its line. Brilliant record and prospects. References given and Required. No. 17 Congress St., Boston. Room 4.

On and after Monday, Dec. 13, tickets to the West via B. & A. R. R. may be arranged for at Holiday rates in 15 Hollis Hall, each day from 1,30 to 3 p.m., and after 9 p.m. C. C. King.

N. H. XIV. N. H. II, N, H. IV. Tutoring by F. A. Houghton, R. G., 70 College House.

Reduced Rates to the South and West over the Baltimore & Ohio R. R., with the privileges of stopping off at Washington D. C. Address J. H. Smith, 28 College House.


As agent for the Boston & Albany Road I shall sell Holiday tickets to the West at rates positively as low as those offered by any road, whatever rates are offered. C. C. King.

Two tables of eight or ten students can be accommodated with first-class board at 12 Oxford street.

Owing to the breaking up of the freshman table at No. 10 Oxford St., one table of eight or ten can be accommodated. E. M. Cotter.

Weather strips to keep out the wind and cold, and outside windows put on at short notice. Attend to this at once and save money and keep warm. Lee L. Powers.

Christmas Goods just arrived. 5000 English Christmas Cards. 500 English Fancy Neckties. 500 English woollen gloves. Earl & Wilson collar and cuff. Evening dress ties, dress gloves and full dress shirts. Co-operative discount to all members. J. W. Brine, 10 & 11 Harvard Row.

Students. We make co-operative discount to all students in Athletic, Aquatic and Gymnasium goods, Bathing Robes, Dressing Gowns, Smoking Jackets, Tennis Shoes and all kinds of Fine Furnishing Goods. Warranted English Mackintosh, $10.00. You will save money by visiting my store, 436 Harvard Street. J. F. Noera.

$50 Reward. The above reward will be paid to any one who has clothes soiled or stained if I fail to remove the same, (provided the stain is not from any kind of acid). J. F. Noera, 436 Harvard Street.

$100 a week! Ladies or gentlemen desiring pleasant profitable employment write at once. We want you to handle an article of domestic use that recommends itself to every one at sight. Sample as flour. Sells like hot cakes. Profits 300 per cent. Families wishing to practice economy should for their own benefit write for particulars. Used every day the year round in every household. Price within reach of all Circulars free. Agents receive sample free. Address, Domestic Manufacturing Company, Marion, Ohio.
