Sophomore themes will be due to-morrow.
The wife of the Mikado of Japan is a Vassar graduate.
The circulation of the News is now 950 copies per issue. - Yale News.
A toboggan slide has been founded at New Haven, which all Yale men are requested to join.
A promising candidate for coxswain of the '90 crew weighs 86 pounds with his winter beef on.
A Williams alumnus has given $10,000 towards the erection of a new recitation hall at that college.
Richards, '87, Columbia, is both captain of the crew and president of the athletic association.
It was voted by the class in Philosophy 1 to have a mid-year examination instead of two one hour examinations.
The students of Bryn Mawr (Female) College, have decided, on recommendation of their faculty, to wear the Oxford cap and gown.
The base-ball grounds at Williams will be called "Weston Field" in honor of Gov. Weston, who gave $3,500 for draining purposes.
The new air cushions on the doors of the college dormitories, have, after a week's trial, become completely out of order in many of the dormitories.
An athletic entertainment for the benefit of Robert Winston, Yale's athletic trainer, was given the other night in the old Union Armory, New Haven.
It is said that in the United States one man out of every 200 takes a college course; in Germany one of every 213: in England one of every 500; and one of every 615 in Scotland. - Princetonian.
Notwithstanding the recent raid made on Town Topics, this week's number has appeared, and its rapid sale at Amee's will attest to its disgraceful popularity here.
A series of lectures will be delivered at Williston this winter by President Seelye of Amherst, Prof. Murray of Princeton, Prof. Perry of Williams and Pres. Dwight of Yale.
The Christmas number of the Lampoon was out on Saturday. The large centre picture of the number is colored, an innovation for the Lampoon in this respect. The number as a whole is especially good.
A toboggan slide is to be built at Yale as soon as 200 subscriptions at $5 apiece can be obtained, each subscriber to be allowed the use of the slide for one season. The committee hope to have it ready by the 1st of January.
There are at present four foreign schools for the pursuance of classical studies in Athens. The American school has the largest number of students: seven, representing the colleges of Amherst, Columbia, Michigan, Beloit, Trinity and Yale. The director for this year is Prof. Martin L. D'ooze of the University of Michigan.
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