

HARVARD ART CLUB. Mr. Moore will lecture to the club to-night at 8 o'clock. All members are cordially invited to be present.

Competitors for the Glee Club prize are notified that this is the last day on which contributions will be received.

E. R. SHIPPEN, 14 Grays.All candidates for the sophomore crew will meet this Thursday evening at seven o'clock in 49 Matthews.

J. T. DAVIS, Jr.FRESHMAN GLEE CLUB. There will be no rehearsal this (Thursday) evening. The next rehearsal will be on Friday at half-past one in Roberts' Hall, unless otherwise specified.

J. P. DENISON, Pres.Ushers for the Symphony Concert must report at Sanders this evening at 7 o'clock. Those who were appointed ushers for the concerts last year and who wish to have the same privilege this season are requested to send their names before noon to day to


E. R. SHIPPEN,Head Usher, 14 Grays.
