The first symphony concert of the season takes place this evening in Sanders.
There will be a very important meeting of the Shooting Club at Watertown to-morrow.
Capt. Mumford of last year's 'varsity crew was coaching the candidates for the freshman crew yesterday afternoon in the gymnasium.
W. L. Cooke, Tufts '87, the captain of the base-ball nine, has had the notice bulletined that all candidates for the team are to take daily exercise and practise in the gymnasium. The freshmen class has a large number of good players, and the prospects for the coming season are very fair.
The Harvard Union debate takes place this evening in Sever 11, at 7.30. The question for decision is "Resolved: that our system of railroads should be placed under government control.' The regular disputants will be, affirmative, P. L. Sternbergh, '87, L. McK. Garrison, '88; negative, Blewett H. Lee. L.S., Cyril H. Burdett, '88.
Instead of a mid year examination in N. H. IV. this year, there will be two one hour examinations, the first one to occur a few days before Christmas and the second shortly before the spring vacation.
The most heavily endowed Educational Institutions in the United States are: Girard College, $10,000,000; Columbia, $5,000,000; Johns Hopkins University, $4,000,000; Harvard University, $3,000,000; Princeton, $2,500,000; Lehigh, $1,800,000; Cornell, $1,400,000. - Ex.
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'Varsity Crew Notice.