Over 600 copies of the Yale Banner have already been sold.
There will be no recitation in Political Economy 7, on Monday.
The Yale base-ball association are already arranging practice games for next season.
Professor Macvane advises that the special reports in History 12 be handed in before the recess.
There will be a meeting of the Lampoon board in their new rooms, No. 10 Holyoke Street, at 1.45 to-day.
The candidates for the freshman crew have now been reduced to 20 men.
Princeton has seventeen alumni associations and the formation of a new one in New York is now in progress.
A party of six Yale freshmen bagged 37 ducks in the Sound, lately. They claim to have broken the record.
Cross, who played third-base on the Yale nine of last year, will try for the outfield this spring. - Yale News.
The following have been elected members of the Lampoon board: K. F. Crocker, C. E. Frank, W. H. Furness and R. Isham.
Twenty-five men have gone into training for the Amherst nine, under the direction of Captain Phillips, '88. Four batteries are in training.
The next thesis in Philosophy 13 will consist of an exposition of the first part of Spinoza's Ethus and a discussion of some one problem in that part. It will be due on January 5.
Prof. Palmer has a very exhaustive answer to recent criticisms on our elective system, in the Dec. number of the Andover Review.
Princeton is to have a toboggan slide on the field this side of the University Athletic Grounds. The slide will be forty feet high and one hundred and sixty feet long.
President Barnard, of Columbia, in an interview on college athletics, mentions the fact that he himself played foot-ball when an undergraduate at Yale.
The officers for the Columbia University Boat Club are as follows: Pres., W. A. Meikleham, '86; Vice-Pres., R. T. Wilson, '87; Secretary, C. K. Beekman, '89; Treasurer, Jasper T. Goodwin, '86; Captain, Guy Richards, '87.
The friends of Mr. Stetson, '88 will be pleased to learn that he is slowly recovering from his recent illness. Mr. W. W. Gale, '88 is still dangerously sick. Both of these gentlemen have been suffering from typhoid fever.
The Pennsylvania class crews have begun training under the coaching of Ellis Ward. There are six crews in all, four academic and two medical. The academic crews are unusually light, '87 averaging 157; '88, 149; '86, 142 and '90, 138 pounds.
Dr. O. W. Holmes delivered a poem at the two hundredth anniversary of the founding of King's Chapel, last Wednesday. No allusion was made in it of Princeton, so that probably the college will not be entertained with a spicy controversy between the venerable autocrat and President McCosh.
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Freshman Class Meeting.