
The Harvard Union.

The Union debate closed at so late hour last night that it almost shut itself out of a report. The question of Mr. Cleveland's purpose and achievements in the Civil Service Cause were fully discussed. The affirmative Having a little the best of the time as parties in the offensive always do. Messrs. Merriam and Sanford opened for their sides and Messrs. Saunders and Rich closed.

The following spoke from the floor: aff., Griffin, '88; Shattuck, '87; Bigelow, '87; Thayer, 89; McAfee, Sp.; Currier, '87; Hosmer. '87; Hunt, L. S. Neg., Garrison. '88; E. Norton. L. S.; Poppelton, '87; Davis, L. S.; Smith, L. S.; Mack, L. S. Messrs. Sanford and Saunders closed. The three votes on the merits of the questions; disputants, and debate were carried by the affirmative, 51 48, 52 38, 24-13.
