

No Headline

Many poor struggling geniuses among us who feel that they have not done those things they ought to have done during the past term, are, about this time, revolving in their minds whether they will go home during the Christmas vacation or virtuously remain in Cambridge and grind. To all such good intentioned and hesitating students we would say, "Dont." Don't stay here, because you will not do enough work to give you one per cent. more at the mid years than you would otherwise have. Don't stay here and be uselessly miserable in thinking of the fun you are missing. Don't stay here, only to begin the second half of the year, restless and unrefreshed, half cocked to use a military expression, in strength and vigor. Go home and have a b-l l-y good time. Forget college for a week and write your theses after you get back. You'll do it better and quicker then, and finally, as the professor in a philosophy course, in which the CRIMSON was, last year, advised, "go home and court the ladies as much as possible or you will forget how. You need their refining influence."
