EDITORS DAILY CRIMSON. - The want of a course of mechanical drawing is greatly felt at present. The course formerly given in the Lawrence Scientific School was withdrawn from the elective list last year and in its place more attention is paid to the drawing in engineering 5, mathematics 5, formerly 7 and mechanics 1. Therefore anybody who wants to take mechanical drawing can only do so by attending one of the above named courses. As these courses are rather difficult and are not strictly mechanical drawing the student is at a loss what to do. It is not practice in manipulating drawing instruments that he wants, a thing he gets in engineering 1, 5 and 7, but practice in drawing machines, parts of engine bridges, etc., and this cannot be got in any course at present. The abolition of the course in mechanical drawing by the Faculty of the Lawrence Scientific School seems to us to have been a great mistake. The school, however, has improved wonderfully under the able management of Professor Chaplin. The standing requirements at graduation are much higher than they used to be and we hope that some day some generous graduate of the school will leave it a large sum of money for the purpose of erecting new buildings.
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