
Fact and Rumor.

Cornell has organized a lacrosse team.

The toboggan slide back of the reservoir is now completed.

There will be a meeting of the Directors of the Dining Association at 6.30 this evening.

There will be no recitation in any of the sections of Political Economy 1 today.

Members of the Shooting Club held an informal practice shoot Saturday at Watertown.


All the dormitories are now provided with preumatic buffers on the doors of the ground floors.

The Cornell freshmen have adopted as a class hat, a black Tam O'Shanter, with a green top knot.

The first "beer-night" given by the Glee Club and Pierian Sodality to their associate members was well attended and proved very enjoyable.

The CRIMSON has received a copy of the Annual Report of Secretary of the Treasury on the State of Finances for 1886.

During Justin McCarthy's visit to the United States this year, he will lecture to the students of Oberlin College on the Home Rule question.

The first '88 crew is now rowing at three and the second at quarter of five. They are exercising on the weights, bells and machines and taking short runs daily.

Vila, of Dartmouth, '88, who pitched for the Concords last year, has signed with St Paul's for next season, at a salary of $225 per month.

A chime of ten bells, the largest weighing 3.000 pounds and costing over $5,000 will be placed in the tower of Trinity Church next February.

A national base-ball league of colored players has been formed; the cities represented are Philadelphia, Washington, Baltimore, Boston, Pittsburgh, Cleveland and Louisville.

The hour examination in N. H. 4 was deferred by a vote of the class from the week before Christmas until about two weeks before the mid-years.

Henry Dixon Jones is now spending a few days in Cambridge. He will take part in the Palmer matinees in New York, and will then join Miss Margaraite Mather's company.

A petition, signed by several hundred students, has been handed to the faculty of the Institute of Technology asking for a short vacation at Christmas, instead of one day as now allowed. It was referred to a committee of the faculty, but no action has yet been taken.
