
University Calendar.


Appleton Chapel, 7.30 p.m. Rev. George A. Gordon. (The front pews will be reserved for members of the university until 7.30.)

Week-day morning prayers at 8.45 a.m. No seats are assigned, either for officers or classes. Prayers will be conducted by Rev, George A. Gordon from December 6th. Mr. Gordon may be found at Wads worth House 1 every week day from 9 to 10 a.m.

13. MONDAY.Roman Archaeology. Eighth lecture. Ancient and Mediaeval Libraries. Professor Lanciani. Sanders Theatre, 7.30 p.m.

This course of lectures is open to the public.


14. TUESDAY.German Lectures. Contemporary Lyrics and Romances. Dr. Kuno Francke. Sever 6, 3 p.m.

Open to students desiring suggestions as to private reading in German.

Commencement Parts. Professor A. S. Hill will confer with seniors concerning their subjects for parts between 3 and 4 p.m., in Sever 1.

Law Faculty. Meeting at University 5, at 4 p.m.

15. WEDNESDAY.Roman Archaeology. The Palace of the Caesars. Professor Lanciani. Sanders Theatre, 7.30 p.m.

Academic Council. Stated meeting at University 5, 8 p.m.

16. THURSDAY.Mathematical Seminary. Lecture: The Theory of Substitutions. Dr. F. N. Cole. University 19, 4 p.m.

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