
Fact and Rumor.

Club-tables at Yale are called "eating clubs."

A. Quack en boss has been elected captain of the Dartmouth nine.

Nine bicycle riders have been killed the past year by taking headers.

Cross, third baseman on last year's team, will probably play in the field next year. - Yale News.

The Yale Record has a spicy, forcible and convincing editorial on the recent action of the Foot-ball Convention.


History 12 begins work on Mullers Poetical History of Recent Times on Saturday.

Blue Books for the examination in Philosophy IV must be left at Stoughton 27 as soon as possible.

Mr. Fowler delivered a very interesting lecture before the Art Club last evening.

The tickets for the Glee-Club Pierian concert on Friday, the 17th, have been selling very well.

English V hereafter will be divided up into sections, so that Professor Hill can go over each man's work personally.

The National Inter-collegiate Prohibition Clubs will hold a grand convention in Cleveland, Ohio, on January 4, 1887.

Special rates to students on the Fitchburg, Grand Trunk, and West Shore Railroads are now posted at Leavitt & Peirce's.

Bowdoin's new gymnasium is lighted with electric light and is heated by steam.

A Woman Suffrage Festival and Bazaar will be held in Music Hall, Boston, for six consecutive days, beginning Dec. 13.

Foot-ball fights on the delta were of common occurrence yesterday. Some muckers bombarded windows in Mass. 3, yesterday, and created much commotion within.

At the University of Michigan the senior class endeavored, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., to elect a class orator, without being able to reach a decisive ballot.

The Romance Philology Seminar held on Monday last proved to be very interesting to the dozen men or so who attended After Prof. Sheldon had read his paper, its contents were discussed quite freely by his listeners.

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