
No Headline

Four of the members of last year's eleven at Williston are captains of freshman college teams.

The Phillipian publishes an extra sheet containing the names and addresses of all students.

Henry Blackburn, of London, the well-known Art critic, will lecture at the U. of Pa., this winter. - Ex.

The University of Pennsylvania will apply for admission to the Inter-collegiate Lawn Tennis Association.

There are 187 students in the classical and 106 in the English department at Phillips Andover Academy; in all 293.


Brooks, Yale's famous sprinter, and Adams, the centre rush of last year's Princeton team, are at the Columbia Law School.

The uniforms of the Yale freshman foot-ball team will consist of gray moleskin trousers, canvas jackets, blue stockings and blue and black striped caps.

Wanted. A Lay Reder at Christs Church. He must be a Communicant in the Episcopal Church. One who can sing (tenor or baritone) especially desired, that he may also assist in the choir, The rector may be consulted further in reference to the position, after any service at the church, or on week-days at the Rectory (13 Follen St.- between 1 and 2 p.m. James F. Spalding).

For the Anniversary. Powers of 30 Boylston street, Cambridge, will let or furnish Camp Beds or Cots and Bedding, folding Camp Chairs and any Room Furnishings which are needed. Japanese Lanterns for Sale or to Let, Exterior Decorations and Illuminations furnished at Low Cost for the celebration on Monday night. Please make your arrangements early.
