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THE additional number of visitors seen in Cambridge last evening, evidenced the interest which is felt among the neighboring cities, in the great anniversary which we are no commemorating. But the postponement of the torchlight parade rendered the evening dull in comparison with what had been expected would occur. Under the circumstances, however, the postponement was eminently wise, notwithstanding the fact that the darkness of the evening would have rendered any torchlight or firework display exceptionally brilliant.

The scratch races were highly successful, and served as a fitting opening to a day devoted to the undergraduates. The exercises in Sanders Theatre, which are commented upon below, were highly successful, and the number present was almost unprecedented. The foot-ball game, in reality a game of "wallowing," was played with pluck by both teams. The steady play of the men was especially noticeable when it is remembered that fast running was out of the question, good tackling extremely difficult, and sure kicking absolutely impossible. A steady down-pour of rain can hardly conduce to success in any athletic contest, especially when that contest is one of foot-ball.
