Members of the Glee Club must be in their places in Sanders Theatre at 10.45, before the classes assemble.
The Anniversary Chorus will rehearse in Appleton Chapel at 1 p.m. and 5 p.m. A full attendance is requested.
EUGENE R. SHIPPEN,For the Committee.The last chance to obtain a torch or uniform will be from 8.30 to 9.15 and 1.30 to 2.15 today at Dane Hall.
The ushers appointed for the exercises on Sunday, will meet in Appleton Chapel at 9.30 to-morrow morning for further instructions. They are requested to obtain crimson buttons at Mrs. Iver's, 446 Harvard Street.
E. R. SHIPPEN.SCRATCH RACES. All contestants must be at boat house, ready to row, at 9.15 this morning. Programmes giving names of the contestants may be obtained at Bartlett's or at boat house.
By order ofANNIVERSARY COMMITTEE.ANNIVERSARY FOOT-BALL. At the foot-ball game on Saturday all graduates furnished with badges will be admitted with ladies free of charge. All undergraduates with or without ladies, will be charged at the regular price. A section of seats will be reserved, admission to which will be obtained by an extra charge of 25 cents.
Will the following men please report for marching at the entrance of the gymnasium at 7.15 p.m. sharp. Ward, W. Myer, J. W. Lund, E. P. Morgan, Corning, F. H. Brooks, H. F. Davis, Kimberly, B. E. Carter, A. L. Greene, N. Clifford, Lynch, K. M. Taylor, Crowninshield, Bryan, R. Jones, Linn, Bayer, Simms, Warren.
J. D. GORHAM.The following will play this afternoon: Holden, Faulkner, Wood, Brooks, Woodman, Butler, Harding, Fletcher, Porter, Sears and Peabody. Subs., Boyden, Bancroft and Dudley. All who have played on the 2d eleven at any time during the last two weeks, will please call at my room some time between 11 and 12 to-day.
W. A. BROOKS, JR.,51 Matthews.SIGNET ALUMNI ASSOCIATION. Dinner will be served in the Lawrence Scientific School building at 5.30 p.m. on Saturday, Nov. 6th, at $1.25 a plate. Members of the Signet, past, present and honorary, are at liberty to invite their friends [including ladies], but should notify the secretary, W. C. Lane, if possible, beforehand, at the College Library. By the courtesy of the Christian Brethren, the rooms of that society in Lawrence Hall will be open during the afternoon and evening for the accommodation of members.
The Flambeau Club will meet in front of the gymnasium at 7.15. All members will please be on hand promptly with torches ready for use.
A. W. VORSE.LAW SCHOOL DRUM CORPS. Members of the corps may obtain uniforms at 5.30 to dayi in 2 Manter Hall. The corps will assemble at 7, at the same place.
J. A. FRYE.The following men are requested to be at Sanders Theatre, at 10.15 this morning, to act as ushers at the literary exercises: S. Dexter. '90; J. G. King, J. M. Markoe, T. Woodbury, '89; C. Amory, L. Anderson, G. B. Leighton, 88; H. G. Brengle, G. S. Baker, G. A. Morrison, F. H. Sellers, S. H. Smith, S. W. White, '87.
W. WETHERBEE, Chairman.At the invitation of the Harvard Young Men's Christian Association, Mr. Dwight L. Moody will hold a series of meetings in the college. The first meeting will be held in Sander's Theatre on the evening of Monday, Nov. 15th. During the remainder of the week, the meetings will probably be held in the Shepard Memorial church, and on the following Sunday, the 21st, Mr. Moody will preach in Appleton chapel. At all of these sessions seats will be reserved for members of the University.
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