
Special Notices.

For Sale. A choice rarity! THE HARVARD BOOK. Two quartos. Full Morocco. The undersigned offers for sale the two large quarto volumes of "The Harvard Book;" published in 1874 by Vaille & Clark; bound in full morocco [Macdonald & Sons]. This is the greatest work on Harvard University, as it is the combined monographs of over a hundred eminent men, illustrated with over a hundred views and portraits by the Heliotype-Photographic Process. By reason of the fires of Houghton, Osgood & Co. and Macdonald's bindery this book has become absolutely out of print. There never were but several hundred copies issued, and as they are now owned by libraries, public institutions, and wealthy Harvard families, they are seldom to be had at any price. This set of two volumes will be sold at $40 to the first responsible applicant. Moses King, Vice-President. Rand, Avery Company, 117 Franklin St., Boston.

Found. A Sheldon's German Grammar. The owner can get it by calling at Leavitt & Peirce's.

Students are invited to call and examine the large assortment of Upright Pianos and other instruments for sale or to rent at 28 Boylston St., Read Building, Cambridge.

For rent. Best double room in Felton. Apply to the janitor.

Wanted. A Lay Reader at Christ Church. He must be a Communicant in the Episcopal Church. One who can sing (tenor or baritone) especially desired, that he may also assist in the choir. The rector may be consulted further in reference to the position, after any service at the church, or on week-days at the Rectory (13 Follen St.) between 1 and 2 p.m. James F. Spalding.


The FIFTY-FIRST thousand of "Students' Songs." the book compiled by Wm. H. Hill's. (Harvard, 1880), and published by Moses King, (Harvard, 1881) har just been issued. "Students' Songs" has had the largest sale of any book of this kind ever published,

For sale at a bargain in closing an estate. A superb copy of Vaille & Clark's Harvard Book, 1875, 2 vols, large quarto, full cloth, gilt edges. Profusely illustrated with portraits of college celebrities, views of buildings, Club rooms, etc. The most complete collection of historical papers concerning Harvard University and its surroundings ever made. A limited number of copies were published by subscription and the work is not now upon the market. The copy advertised is fresh and unused. Cost $39. Will be sold for $35. Address S. B., office of the CRIMSON.

$100 a week! Ladies or gentlemen desiring pleasant profitable employment write at once. We want you to handle an article of domestic use that recommends itself to every one at sight. Staple as flour. Sells like hot cakes. Profits 300 per cent. Families wishing to practice economy should for their own benefit write for particulars. Used every day the year round in every household. Price within reach of all. Circulars free. Agents receive sample free. Address, Domestic Manufacturing Company, Marion, Ohio.

$50 Reward. The above reward will be paid to any one who has clothes soiled or stained if I fail to remove the same, (provided the stain is not from any kind of acid). J. F. Noera, 436 Harvard Street.
