Students are invited to call and examine the large assortment of Upright Pianos and other instruments for sale or to rent at 28 Boylston St., Read Building, Cambridge.
For rent. Best double room in Felton. Apply to the janitor.
To let. At a considerable sacrifice, No. 11 Little's, large front room. Apply to the janitor or at Sever's.
Wanted. A Lay Reader at Christ Church. He must be a Communicant in the Episcopal Church. One who can sing (tenor or baritone) especially desired, that he may also assist in the choir, The rector may be consulted further in reference to the position, after any service at the church, or on week-days at the Rectory (13 Follen St.) between 1 and 2 p.m. James F. Spalding.
Wanted. Printed notes in Pol. Econ. 4. Apply Holyoke 5.
Wanted. The current number (October, 1886) of the Harvard Monthly. The regular price, 20 cents, will be paid for all copies in good condition left at Amee's. Frank H. Sellers, Business Manager.
24 Holworthy is to be let. Apply to the Bursar. This room may be rented during the anniversary days. Apply to 29 Weld.
GRADUATES' DAY. Wanted. By a class which graduated twelve years ago, a room in the yard on Monday, Nov. 8th. For the use of a room in the yard or in College House, a reasonable compensation will be paid if desired. Address "Class Secretary," 211 Tremont St., Boston.
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