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In accordance with the old custom, the University Foot-Ball team elected their captain for next year immediately after the Thanksgiving Day game last Thursday. The choice they made is a matter for congratulation to the university and must be flattering to the man himself in its reported unanimity. Mr. Holden well deserves the honor thus placed upon him, and we feel assured that he will carry out the duties of the position in an effective manner. Ever since he entered college Mr. Holden has taken an active interest in foot-ball and has shown himself to be well versed in the science of the game. The vigor and zeal of his playing need no comment here.

After a year of rest, in which a team might be excused for becoming rusty, our eleven this year has made a record of which Harvard can be anything but ashamed. And although it did not succeed in getting the pennant, there is no reason, in view of the way the men played this year, why the rush for it next year should not be successful. Captain Brooks has done hard and faithful work this fall, and he has had his reward in the record made by his men. We believe that Captain Holden will continue the good work which has been so well begun.
